On Tuesday Wey With Thyself The Patience Of Christ 1596 (ANON.)
Virgin and Child
First of all consider well with thyself, the wonderful example of patience which he showed thee in his tender years, which was when he was crucified, at the which time, he being but a tender babe, was fore wounded, and most willingly shed his precious blood for our sake. For this cause labor thou to pluck up and cut away from thee all manner of vice, all motions, and naughty desires. And as Christ truly fulfilled the law, so go you, not a hair breath from such ways of life as he prescribed thee: But rather frame thyself thereto, although it many times seem grievous to thy nature.
Secondly think how patiently he took all manner of injuries and berating at all the Jews hands, when they looked upon him with grim and spiteful visages, and said he was possessed of a devil, and when they went about, sometimes to stone him to death, at other times to cast him headlong from the top of a hill: Therefore take thou all such things patiently, whatsoever shall happen unto thee. And in all things which are done against thee, be after one sort modest and quiet.
Thirdly remember how great his patient was in Pilates house, he sustained all those lies that were most false and devised against him, and took all most patiently, abode those wrongful & malicious accusations that were brought in against him.
Therefore if any crime be at any time falsely laid to thy charge, or if any other injury be without cause offered thee, so that thou be despised and had in no estimation, then comfort thy self with the words of our Saviour: The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant greater then his lord. And with those words which he spake to Pilate, My kingdom is not of this world, wherefore never seek thy honor here.
Fourthly call to mind how patiently he sustained rebukes, injuries and scourges in Herod's house, and how like a fool he was brought through the streets to Pilate to be laughed at of all men, and yet for all this he never gave one word again, or showed any little sign of impatience. In like manner see thou hold thy tongue and keep patience, although thou be accounted simple, ignorant, of no reputation, unskillful and foolish, for so doing.
Fifthly, have in mind with what cruelty the souse and saviour of thy soul was bound to a pillar, and how patiently he did for thy sake, abide those sharp and grievous stripes. Learn also thou hereby, not only to abide valiantly all kind of shame, but also for Christ his love willingly to submit thy self to him. Learn to take well all dis-commodities, sharp words, and what else adversity soever may happen. Besides this, learn to abide stripes for Christs sake, bearing well in mind so many and so fore stripes as thy saviour Christ suffered for thy love.
Then say the prayer that followeth.
O Lord Jesu Christ who art the mirror of patience and cause of all Gods gifts, who in thy tender infancy patiently sustained that pain of circumcising, and in all those sharp taunts of the Jews, in such grievous whipping and scourging as he suffered at their hands, then ever showed an invincible and gentle heart again: I beseech thee give me this grace, that I may with great constancy do such things as become a christian nab and pertain to my vocation, that I may manfully abide all injuries done unto me, and never stagger at any miseries, but be all one man, as well in adversity, as in prosperity, who livest and reignest God, & c.
Thirdly remember how great his patient was in Pilates house, he sustained all those lies that were most false and devised against him, and took all most patiently, abode those wrongful & malicious accusations that were brought in against him.
Therefore if any crime be at any time falsely laid to thy charge, or if any other injury be without cause offered thee, so that thou be despised and had in no estimation, then comfort thy self with the words of our Saviour: The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant greater then his lord. And with those words which he spake to Pilate, My kingdom is not of this world, wherefore never seek thy honor here.
Fourthly call to mind how patiently he sustained rebukes, injuries and scourges in Herod's house, and how like a fool he was brought through the streets to Pilate to be laughed at of all men, and yet for all this he never gave one word again, or showed any little sign of impatience. In like manner see thou hold thy tongue and keep patience, although thou be accounted simple, ignorant, of no reputation, unskillful and foolish, for so doing.
Fifthly, have in mind with what cruelty the souse and saviour of thy soul was bound to a pillar, and how patiently he did for thy sake, abide those sharp and grievous stripes. Learn also thou hereby, not only to abide valiantly all kind of shame, but also for Christ his love willingly to submit thy self to him. Learn to take well all dis-commodities, sharp words, and what else adversity soever may happen. Besides this, learn to abide stripes for Christs sake, bearing well in mind so many and so fore stripes as thy saviour Christ suffered for thy love.
Then say the prayer that followeth.
O Lord Jesu Christ who art the mirror of patience and cause of all Gods gifts, who in thy tender infancy patiently sustained that pain of circumcising, and in all those sharp taunts of the Jews, in such grievous whipping and scourging as he suffered at their hands, then ever showed an invincible and gentle heart again: I beseech thee give me this grace, that I may with great constancy do such things as become a christian nab and pertain to my vocation, that I may manfully abide all injuries done unto me, and never stagger at any miseries, but be all one man, as well in adversity, as in prosperity, who livest and reignest God, & c.
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