SUNDAY: The Little Office Of The Blessed Trinity


The Little Office Of The Blessed Trinity


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

O Light, most blessed Trinity,
And eke most perfect Unity.
Now that the Sunne is out of sight,
Infuse into our harts thy light.
Ant. hymne. Blessed be the
holy Creator, and Governor
of all things, the holy and
undivided Trinity, now and ever,
world without end.
Vers. Let us bless the Father, & the Sonne, with the Holy Ghost.
Resp. Let is praise, and magnify him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

The morning star doth now
And light's dispersed every
Now that the night hath hid her
Enlighten us, with the light of

Antiph. Thanks be to thee,
O God, thanks be to thee, O
true, and one Trinity, one and
supreme Deity, holy and one
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

O God most sweet and merciful,
Who framd'st the world so wonderful.
One powerful Essesence is in thee
And yet in Person thou art
Antiph. We invocate thee, we
praise thee, we adore thee, our
hope, our honor: deliver us,
quicken us, O blessed Trinity.
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shlal show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

Help us to rise with thy right
That risen, constant we may
And growing fervent in thy
Be duly thankful all our dayes:
Antiph. The Father is Charity,
the Son Grace, the holy Ghost
Communication: the Father is
true, the Soonne truth, the holy
Ghost truth: the Father, Sonne,
& the holy Ghost are one truth,
O blessed Trinity..
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

O Unity of Trinity,
Which rul'st with powerful
Whilest we do watch, and
praise thy name,
Attend with mercy to the same.
Antiph. To thee be praise, to
thee be glory, to thee be thanksgiving
for ever and ever. And
blessed be the name of thy glory,
holy, and to be praised, &
magnified for ever, O blessed
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto my aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now, & ever, & world without end. Amen.Alleluia.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

The morning let us praise thy
And evening let us do the same.
Let us with all humility,
Praise thee for all eternity.
Antiph.Thee God the Father
unbegotten, thee the Sonne only
begotten, thee the holy Ghost
the comforter, the holy and undivided
Trinity; thee with our
whole hart and mouth we
confess, praise and bless; to thee
be glory for ever.
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


Vers. Blessed be the holy & undivided Trinity, now and ever, and world without end.
Resp. Amen, Alleluia.
Versus. Convert us, O lord, our Saviour.
Resp. And avert thy anger from us.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me
Vers. Glory be to the Father &c.

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.

The Hymne.

Glory to thee, O Trinity,
One equal perfect Deity,
As was from all antiguity,
Be for al perpetuity
Antiph. Glory be to the Father,
who hath created us:
glory be to the Sonne, who hath
redeemed us: glory be to the
Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified
us: glory be to the supreme
and undivided Trinity, our
God, for ever and ever..
Vers. Let us bless the Father,
and the Sonne, with the holy
Resp. Let us praise, and magnify
him for ever.

Let us pray.

Almighty, and everlasting
God, who hast granted
to thy servants, in the confession
of a true faith, to acknowledge
the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in the power of
majesty, to adore the Unity: we
Beseech thee, that by the firmness
of the same faith, we may
be always defended from all
adversities. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ thy sonne, who
liveth & raigneth with thee, God,
in unity of the holy Ghost, for
ever & ever. Amen


These hours Canonical, O holy Trinity. I have rehearsed here to thy Divinity, that thou O Lord assist my last extremity, and I may reign with thee for all eternity.


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