MASTER of Frankfurt
Virgin and Child Enthroned
Of the Judgement.
Consider that instantly after death thy soul is to be presented before the barre of Gods Judgement, according to that of the Apostle, Heb. 9: After death cometh Judgement. And again: For all of us must appear before the tribunal of Christ: that every one may give an accompt of his deeds, good or evil. Which private Judgement is no less to be feared then the general doom at the end of the world; because, as St Augustine saith: such as God finds man in his last day, such doth he judge him in the worlds last day.
2. Consider what a trouble it will be at that time, not only to look back to the things of the world which in a moment thou must forsake, but especially when thou shalt look before thee to what is to come: finding thy self very uncertain of thy Salvation both by reason if the multitude of thy sins (many where of being utterly forgot shall then come fresh unto thy mind and such as before seemed small shall then be thought heavy) as also in regard of the sudden and strictness of thy account, the severity of the Judge the terror of Hell &c.
3. Beg at Gods hands, that these points may be so imprinted in thy mind, as thou mayest always have a care so to live, as thou wouldst be found in the hour of death.
3. Beg at Gods hands, that these points may be so imprinted in thy mind, as thou mayest always have a care so to live, as thou wouldst be found in the hour of death.
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