Do You Meditate On The Antichrist While Praying The Rosary? Then Why Would You Listen To Convert Ann Barnhardt Who Tells You To Meditate On The False Prophet To The Antichrist While Praying The Rosary?
Satan, The Beast, And The False Prophet In The Lake Of Fire
False convert Ann Barnhardt tried to convince the world that Pope Francis is the Antichrist. She was called out on this nonsense by me and then Ann then changed her mind and admitted that Pope was Francis was not the Antichrist but his false prophet.
Here Ann claiming that Pope Francis is the False Prophet to the Antichrist:
OK that's six posts from the false convert Ann in which she claims that Pope Francis is the false prophet to the Antichrist.
I think she forgot that she called Pope Francis the false prophet to the Antichrist because Ann is now asking you to meditate on Bergoglio when you pray the Rosary!
No, when you pray the Rosary you meditate on the Blessed Mother and Jesus Christ.
Only a false convert like Ann would come up with such evil nonsense
Here are the posts from Ann on meditating on the false Prophet while praying the Rosary
Please do not use this silly Lay Woman's Rosary Meditation on the False Prophet.
BTW Pope Francis is NOT the false prophet of the Antichrist or the false prophet of the forerunner to the Antichrist as Ann would have you believe.
I do wonder if Ann straps guns to her fat hips when she prays the Rosary?
Heretics have always been represented by the plague of Locusts. Ann is a Locust.
Fifth Trumpet: The Star Falling Into The Bottomless Pit And The Plague Of Locusts
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