MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Joy Of The Angels At The Nativity Of The Son Of God: And Of The News Which They Related To The Shepherds POINT IIII ~ Luis de la Puente


Of the joy of the Angels at the Nativity of the Son of God: and of the news which they related to the Shepherds.


1. The Angels having been a while with the Shepherds, returned to heaven: and we may piously believe, that they went by the inn of Bethlehem without any sensible noise, and that there they renewed their song, so that the blessed Virign, and St Joseph might hear it, and adore the new born child with greater reverence, as their God, and their king. O what content received the blessed Virigin with this music! and how thankful was she to the eternal Father for the honor he did to his Son! and how joyful to behold so great a hose of Angel, and how confirmed in faith, calling to mind that which is written, Let all his Angels adore him.

O my God, I adore thee with them, and with them, I sing; Gloria in this poor manger of thine; and I desire that all the world may sing it unto thee in thy Church, that by all thou mayest be glorified, world without end, Amen.

~ Luis de la Puente


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