Meditation On The Imposting Upon Our Savior The Name Of Jesus POINT II
1. Secondly, I will consider the causes, why this name was given him on the eight day, at his Circumcision: for albeit the Angel declared it before the incarnation to the blessed Virgin, and afterwards to St. Joseph: yet in the Circumcision it was manifested for to principal causes. First, for the honor of the child, for his father seeing him so humbled,that he bare the likeness of a sinner, would that he should then be exalted, giving him a name above all names, which is the name of JESUS, that we might understand, that not only he hath no sin, but that he is the Savior of sinners, and pardoner of sins. This is, to move me to give infinite thanks to the eternal Father. for thus honoring his Son, when for his love he humbleth himself: whereby he giveth me a assured pledge, that if I humble myself, he will also exalt me, and will give me a new name, so glorious, that none shall know how to esteem it as it ought to be esteemed, until he receive it, and that God communicateth his greatness in glory.
2. Secondly, to make manifest, that the name, and office of Savior was to cost him the shedding of his blood: for without shedding of blood (saith the Apostle) threes no remission of sins. And therefore our sweet JESUS taking the office of a Redeemer, giveth in earnest of the price that he is to pay for our ransom, a little of that blood which he sheath in his Circumcision, with a determination to pay the whole price entirely in the passion, shedding for us, all the blood that he hath. True it is, that this little was a sufficient price for all the sions of the world, yea, if there had been a thousand other worlds, because it was the blood of almighty God: but his charity, and liberality would, that the price should be all his blood: to which end he gave license to all the instruments that are on earth for the shedding of blood, to draw out his blood with greivous dolor, and contempts: to wit; the knife, whips thorns, nails, and spear.The knife on this day opened the first fountain of blood, but that was presently closed. The other instruments afterward opened others, which closed not till all his blood was drawn forth to the last drop.
Sweetest Savior, whose fountains, albeit they are of blood shed with great dolor, ye they are also fountains, of the living water of infinite thanks, which are to be gathered with great rejoicing, and love. Let my soul praise thee for this infinite charity, wherewith thou openest these fountains, commanding me to approach with alacrity, to enjoy the price that thou shoddiest with such pain. My soul what hast thou reason to do forth own salvation, when as thy Savior deaths much for the same? If it cost him his blood, is is much that it should cost thee thine? Behold me here (O Lord) ready to shed my blood for thy love, so that thou wilt make me partaker of thine, Amen.
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