Is Chanel No. 5 For Old Ladies? I Sat Down To Read/Study The Faith Of Catholics (1885 Edition) With A Forward By Monsignor T.J. Capel......When I Decided To Google Capel........

Coco Chanel's Apartment In Paris 
With A Bust Of The Monsignor 

I bought this 3 Volume work several years ago and had it rebound in leather. Looks nice - I read the whole work  a while back and decided to re-read it again. 

But I decided to google this Capel thinking that this was written by him (didn't pay close attention)


Coco Chanel?

Boy Capel?

Coco Chanel


Didn't see that coming.....

Read the following on Monsignor T.J. Capel:


Filed Bankruptcy? 

Fled To America to avoid....

On Second thought maybe I shouldn't read Capel's work - then I realized that he only wrote the forward in 1885:

Faith of Catholics, The: Confirmed by Scripture & Attested by the Fathers of the First Five Centuries of the Church [erudite & painstaking work showing the authority & infallibility of the Church on Scripture, private judgment, primacy of Peter, the sacraments, etc] [in 3 vols] Berington, Fr Joseph [1743-1827] & Fr John Kirk [1760-1851] / revised by Fr. J. Waterworth / preface, corrections & additions by Msgr Capel

So maybe there's not too much damage done by Capel.

I'll read/study the work today.

Is Chanel No. 5 for old ladies?

Audrey Tautou As Coco Chanel 
Coco Before Chanel 2009


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