Priest For Only One Hundred Days Kills Himself? What? Father Danny Roussel Commits Suicide....Something's Not Right Here....

22 MAY 2021

“The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their wicked lives, by their irreverence and their impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, by their love of money, their love of honors and pleasures, and the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests are asking vengeance, and vengeance is hanging over their heads. Woe to the priests and to those dedicated to God who by their unfaithfulness and their wicked lives are crucifying my Son again! The sins of those dedicated to God cry out towards Heaven and call for vengeance, and now vengeance is at their door, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people. There are no more generous souls; there is no one left worthy of offering a stainless sacrifice to the Eternal for the sake of the world. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 

Why did the Bishop tell the press that this was a suicide?

What is the Bishop covering up?

Definitely not murder.

How did the Priest die?


Shot to the head?

If hanging it could have been an accident. And this explains why the Bishop said this was a suicide. If the Priest died from hanging because he was engaging in Autoerotic Asphyxiation then that would explain  the Bishop not having any problem admitting it was a suicide.

One thing I've witnessed over the years is that Hollywood is embarrassed if one of their own dies while engaging in Autoerotic Asphyxiation (AeA). They would rather declare it a suicide than death by masturbating.......

Could be the case here.

A Priest for only 100 days and he kills himself...I bet there is more to the story....

Father Roussel Living Out ‘God’s Plan’

On May 22, a journey that endured one extra year was completed, as Father Roussel knelt before Bishop Michael G. Duca in St. George Church in Baton Rouge receiving the sacrament of holy orders. Source

100 DAYS LATER........

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

As your Bishop, it is with a heavy heart that I share with you news of Reverend Danny Roussel’s death on August 30th. Fr. Danny was a deeply devoted priest who was beloved by his family, his parishioners, and his brother clergy. He shared a commitment to the faith that was clear and unwavering. I greatly appreciated Danny’s generous and open-hearted service to our diocese.

I inform you with profound sorrow that Fr. Danny took his own life at the age of 49. We are aware that Danny recently struggled with anxiety and depression. For many people, the difficulties of the modern world can be an unbearable challenge. For some, these feelings can be overwhelming. I would ask you to pray for Father Danny, his mother, stepfather, brother, and family. Please also remember his Church families at Our Lady of Peace in Vacherie, St. Mary of False River in New Roads, St. Aloysius in Baton Rouge, and the larger diocesan Church family.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

Brothers and sisters, news like this is troubling. If you are feeling overwhelmed, do not struggle alone.

We must take care of one another, and we must also take care of our own mental health. If you are struggling to cope, do not hesitate to reach out to family and friends who love you, a pastor, or a licensed professional – someone to listen to you. You are not alone. Remember that our greatest source of strength and comfort is the mercy and love of God. Let us never waiver in these assurances of faith.

Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or locally dial 211 for assistance.

Hope in the Lord,

Most Reverend Michael Duca Bishop of Baton Rouge


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