BICCI, Lorenzo di 
Madonna and Child with Angels

1. How infinite are thy mercies dear Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ, that diddest vouchsafe; To come into this world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief.

2. Most merciful Lord, the benefits bestowed upon me considered; there is not to be found, in all the world, a man so ungrateful, or so unfaithful unto thee, as I am.

3. O God of heaven, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, I am not worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hirelings.

4.  Give me dear Lord, a humble heart, that I may always esteem meanly of my self.

5. Withhold me (O Lord) from ever pretending any estate of greatness, or honor, of which I am altogether unworthy.

6. Most meek Saviour, considering the graces & favors which thou hast bestowed upon me, I confess here before thy presence, that I am more vile, then any man living.

7. O merciful Lord, the thieves and robbers, who rob upon the high-ways, would serve thee in greater perfection then I do, if they had received so many favors, and graces as it hath pleased thy divine Majesty to bestow upon me.

8. All the beasts of the earth, in the nest manner they can, do seek to come unto thee, my God and Creator; only I do wander and run from thee by sins, and offenses.

9. O most benign Lord, and my Redeemer, that all men did know my vileness, and misery: to the end they might despise me, who have so grievously offended thee.

10. O that I were (sweet Jesu) despised and contemned of all men, to be conformed with thee, in thy passion for me.

11.  How it doth displease me dear Lord, that I do not know, nor love any thing but earth: and for this cause am not worthy to look up unto heaven, much less to enjoy it.

12. Thou my Lord of infinite wisdom and goodness, was esteemed of the world as a fool, and a traitor, for my love: Grant dear Lord, that when occasion is offered; I may rejoice, in being unjustly esteemed of my persecutors as a felon, or traitor for thy love.

13. Since the world esteemed of thee dear Lord, as a fool, a Seducer, and one that had a Devil, there is no cause why I should be angry, that it hath no better opinion of me, seeing, It sufficed the disciple to be as his Master.

Fr. Thomas Doughty 1623


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