Before Leaving Moscow I Left A Mixtape On Russian Diplomat Konstantin Alekseev's Night Stand....This Is The Last Time You Keep Me Up All Night...


I was pissed at Konstantin for keeping me up all night (again) Konstantin made me drink too much Vodka and he knows I have gout!

So I left Konstantin a mixtape on his nightstand This Is The Last Time You Keep Me Up All Night...

When I got back to America I found out he died....

He fell...

DROPPED DEAD Top Russian diplomat found dead by his wife in ANOTHER mystery death after he worked as ‘Putin’s Man in Iran’

A FORMER Russian consul-general to Iran has been found dead in his home in Moscow. The body of senior diplomat Konstantin Alekseev was discovered at home by his wife, according to reports. Aged 63, he had been based in Rasht for four years, a key hub for exports and imports between autocratic states Iran and Russia via nearby Caspian Sea port Bandar-e Anzali. Currently the route is used to supply Iranian arms including military kamikaze drones to Vladimir Putin’s regime. He had also served at a senior level inside the Russian Foreign Ministry including as deputy director of the second department of Asia. “The causes of Alekseev’s death are now being established,” reported Shot media. It was unclear if the diplomat was still involved with Iran, returning from Rasht in 2019. He had earlier served as Minister Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Iran. He held the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and was fluent in Persian and English. Russia has seen a spate of mysterious deaths to prominent people during Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine. Just over a week ago, Vladimir Lebedev, a Russian senator with close links to the Kremlin died suddenly aged 60, after suffering a “heart attack”. No further details were given, but his colleagues described him as healthy and said that his death came as a “deep shock”. Source

They look like spies...

And FU FBI - I always leave the country and you never know how I do it.


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