Dragon's Head Found In Dorset

It is the head of a Dragon.

St George killed the Dragon on a hilltop in Uffington UK. And somehow ended up on the cliff's of Dorset's Jurassic Coast.

According to legend, the place where the patron saint of England famously killed a dragon was Dragon Hill near Uffington, Oxfordshire, and to this very day the hilltop remains bare of grass where the dragon's blood was split.

Uffington, Oxfordshire is two hour north of Dorset where the head of the dragon was found

Modern man claims it is a dinosaur.

We all know that modern man does not believe in God. But they believe in dinosaurs! 

Pliosaur discovery: Huge sea monster emerges from Dorset cliffs 

The skull of a colossal sea monster has been extracted from the cliffs of Dorset's Jurassic Coast. It belongs to a pliosaur, a ferocious marine reptile that terrorised the oceans about 150 million years ago. The 2m-long fossil is one of the most complete specimens of its type ever discovered and is giving new insights into this ancient predator. The skull will be featured in a special David Attenborough programme on BBC One on New Year's Day."Oh wow!" There are gasps as the sheet covering the fossil is pulled back and the skull is revealed for the first time. It's immediately obvious that this pliosaur is huge and beautifully preserved. There isn't a specimen anywhere else to match it, believes local palaeontologist Steve Etches."It's one of the best fossils I've ever worked on. 

What makes it unique is it's complete," he tells BBC News. "The lower jaw and the upper skull are meshed together, as they would be in life. Worldwide, there's hardly any specimens ever found to that level of detail. And if they are, a lot of the bits are missing, whereas this, although it's slightly distorted - it's got every bone present.The skull is longer than most humans are tall, which gives you a sense of how big the creature must have been overall. You can't help but focus on its 130 teeth, especially those at the front.Long and razor sharp, they could kill with a single bite. But look a little closer - if you dare - and the back of each tooth is marked with fine ridges. These would have helped the beast to pierce the flesh and then quickly extract its dagger-like fangs, ready for a rapid second attack.The pliosaur was the ultimate killing machine and at 10-12m long, with four powerful flipper-like limbs to propel itself at high speed, it was the apex predator in the ocean. "The animal would have been so massive that I think it would have been able to prey effectively on anything that was unfortunate enough to be in its space," says Dr Andre Rowe from Bristol University. "I have no doubt that this was sort of like an underwater T. rex." Source

Although an integral part of the United Kingdom, Wales is not represented on the national flag, or Union Flag, more popularly known as the Union Jack. The proud and ancient battle standard of the Welsh is The Red Dragon (Y Ddraig Goch) and consists of a red dragon, passant (standing with one foot raised), on a green and white background. As with any ancient symbol, the appearance of the dragon has been adapted and changed over the years, and hence several different variations exist. The current flag was officially adopted in 1959, and is based on an old royal badge used by British kings and queens since Tudor times. The red dragon itself has been associated with Wales for centuries, and as such, the flag is claimed to be the oldest national flag still in use. But why a dragon? The answer to that particular question is lost in history and myth.One legend recalls Romano-British soldiers carrying the red dragon (Draco) to Rome on their banners in the fourth-century, but it could be even older than that.It is considered that the Welsh kings of Aberffraw first adopted the dragon in the early fifth century in order to symbolise their power and authority after the Romans withdrew from Britain. Later, around the seventh century, it became known as the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr, king of Gwynedd from 655 to 682. Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae, written between 1120 and 1129, links the dragon with the Arthurian legends, including Uther Pendragon the father of Arthur whose name translates as Dragon Head. Geoffrey’s account also tells of the prophecy of Myrddin (or Merlin) of a long fight between a red dragon and a white dragon, symbolising the historical struggle between the Welsh (red dragon) and the English (white dragon). The oldest recorded use of the dragon to symbolise Wales however, is from the Historia Brittonum, written by the historian Nennius around 820. Source 



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