Rad Trad Hero Putin Murders Alexei Navalny After Tucker Carlson's Interview!


Fuck You FSSP Rad Trad converts!


Fuck You Tucker Carlson!

The US should not let Tucker Carlson back in!

All FSSP convert Putin Lovers should move to Russia! 

Just another reason why the FSSP should be shut down! (Many other reasons coming soon!)

Tucker Carlson turns on Putin after Alexei Navalny's death in jail: 'It's horrifying, barbaric and awful - no decent person would defend it' 

Tucker Carlson has turned on Vladimir Putin in the wake of the shocking death of Alexei Navalny, just days after releasing a softball interview with the Russian president and a series of 'tourism board style' videos about the country's clean train stations and cheap groceries. In an exclusive statement to DailyMail.com, Carlson said: 'It's horrifying what happened to Navalny. The whole thing is barbaric and awful. No decent person would defend it.' The former Fox News host told DailyMail.com that he was on a plane traveling from Dubai when Navalny's death was announced. I didn't talk about the things that every other American media outlet talks about because those are covered,' he told Egyptian journalist Emad El Din Adeeb. 'I have spent my life speaking to people who run countries, in various countries, and have concluded the following: That every leader kills people, including my leader. 'Every leader kills people, some kill more than others. 


Leadership requires killing people, sorry. That's why I wouldn't want to be a leader.' Russian news outlets announced Navalny's death on Friday morning, citing the Siberian prison service where he was serving a nineteen-year sentence for 'extremism', sparking fury across the globe. 'On February 16, 2024, in correctional colony No. 3, convict Navalny A.A. felt unwell after a walk, almost immediately losing consciousness,' said a statement from prison officials. 'Emergency doctors confirmed the death of the convict,' it added. Global leaders, including the Latvian president, have laid blame for Navalny's death at Putin's feet. During his interview with Putin, Carlson also heaped praise on Russia throughout, calling Moscow 'so much nicer than any city in my country.' 'I had no idea. It is so much cleaner, and safer and prettier, aesthetically. Its architecture, food, and services than in any city in the United States. And this is not ideological' he effused. In another bizarre video Carlson praised Russia for its low grocery store prices and fresh produce. Source


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