FOPPA, Vincenzo 
Madonna of the Book 
1. Direct my thoughts dear Lord, that I may find out truth, and put it in practice to thine honour.

2. I direct this work (my Lord) to thine honour and glory.

3. Do not premit (sweet Saviour) that I do this, or any other work,for mine own self-love, but that all my thoughts, words, and deeds, may be wholly employed to honour thee.

4. I desire (my Lord) to please thee in this work which I now begin: and satisfy to the obligation of my office.

5. O infinite Majesty! so often as I shall move hand or foot in this work, I intend to give my heart and soul to thee.

6. Grant (dear Lord) that in this work and all others, I may remember that thou art present, and seek to please thee beholding me.

So in all your works to use short mental prayers, made with elevation of mind, and fervour towards God, according to the practice of the religious men in the primitive Church, of whom St. Augustine speaketh saying:

The brethren in Egypt are said to use often prayers: But those very short, and thrown suddenly after a certain manner, like darts, least whiles the prayer is watchfully directed, which is very necessary in such as pray, it should vanish away through long delays, and the attention be dulled. Fr. Thomas Doughty 1623


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